There are extensive opportunities to support our church community.
We hope you will consider the value of serving in one or more of these areas, so that we may sustain the needs within our ever growing and vibrant parish.
Assist in the distribution of Eucharist at weekend masses. Volunteers assist one or two times a month. Training is available.
Coordinator: Sue King 315-725-5631
Assist at parish liturgies by reading Sacred Scriptures (First Reading, Responsorial Psalm, and Second Reading). Volunteers read approximately once a month.
Training and a Lector workbook is provided.
Coordinator: Sue King 315-725-5631
Duties include:
Weekly cleaning of the Altar sanctuary
Coordinator: Deb Gurdo
Washing and pressing of linens.
Coordinators: Nan LaBrecque 315-853-8462
Karen Winkler: 315-853-6355
Assist with seating of parishioners when necessary. Pass collection baskets during the offertory (temporarily suspended).
Coordinator: Dan Fitzgerald 315-853-8816
Welcoming men, women and teenagers to our four-part-harmony choir for Masses and Parish celebrations. Active October though May. Rehearsals at 9:30 Sunday mornings and before holidays.
Director and organist: Valerie Wright 315-292-0368
One important way in which the youth of the parish may contribute to parish ministry is through altar serving at weekend Masses. Traditionally, we utilize three servers per Mass; one cross bearer and two who assist with the Mass. New servers are trained annually and is open to any child fourth grade or older. For high school students and those preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation, service hours are given for any Masses served and training attended.
Coordinator: Carla Pascucci, 315-368-8098 [email protected]
If you are feeling called to share your faith with the youth of our parish, we invite you to become a Catechetical Leader. Teaching opportunities are available Monday and Wednesday evenings for grades 1st-8. Grades 9 & 10 are on Sunday and Monday evenings.
Director: Mary Lou Lauchert [email protected]
An ecumenical program of 11 churches in the Clinton—Clark Mills—Westmoreland area. Based at Annunciation Church in Clark Mills, the Pantry provides supplemental food and related items to qualified families. Teams of St. Mary’s volunteers help in transporting, sorting, stocking and preparing items for distribution.
Coordinator: Jeanne Roback 737-7650
This group administers communion to our homebound/shut-ins and conducts a Communion service twice a month at the Lutheran Home in Clinton. At Christmas, our homebound and shut-ins also receive a small gift to let them know they are still a valued part of our parish family.
Coordinator: Evelyn Micciche 315-853-2190
If you or any of your loved ones are in need of prayer, please call
Pat Sheridan: 315-853-5229 or Margaret LaLonde: 315-853-5280
The Hearts and Hands group of St. Mary’s Church serves and supports our parish
community in various ways. Responsibilities include social events such as coffee hours, an ice cream social, bake sales, a chicken BBQ, a parish picnic and the annual Bells of St. Mary’s Christmas Fair. We are also involved in community outreach through the Country Pantry, Hope House and Rise Against Hunger programs.
Coordinators: Evelyn Micciche: 315-853-2190 Nan Labrecque: 315-853-8462
Prayer shawls and lap blankets made in love and prayer are available free of charge for those in need of comfort. If knitting, crocheting or sewing are a special gift you wish to share, we welcome you to join us. Materials and instructions are available.
Coordinator: Mary Paul
(315)-737-7067, [email protected]
St Mary’s Sewing Ministry meets monthly to sew items for overseas missions as well as local community and church needs. Sewing machines and supplies are provided. Minimal sewing skills are needed.
Coordinator: Laura Grenier
(315)725-7516, [email protected]m
Do you have practical experience in the areas of carpentry, painting, masonry or electrical? With a limited maintenance staff at St. Mary's, small tasks are sometimes overlooked; that's where your skills would really help! Parishioners who would like to volunteer to help around the church or have building materials or resources to donate please contact:
Les LaBrecque: (315) 335-4816 (C)/(315) 853-8462; leave contact information and area of interest